Incorporation / Business
Formation Services
Whether you are registering a simple DBA, forming an LLC., partnership, C or S Corporation, we can help lay the foundation in a way to protect yourself. We can even run the numbers for you so you can decide which legal structure is most beneficial to your business.
Let us do the paperwork for you and file all the required documents to form your business
Why Alto CPA Group, LLC.?
We will save you money and we do not hide any fees. We will ensure you are informed so you can pick the entity that is best for your business:
- What are your short and long-term goals? Your business objectives are important in deciding which business entity will give you the most flexibility. We will discuss this critical first step.
- Maintaining proper asset protection from the start. You need protection and we ensure you get that and ensure you understand how to maintain this protection.
- A Tax effective strategy. Choosing the right business entity can potentially save you anywhere from 10% to 40% on your taxes each year. We also guide you on the right retirement plan, which can lower your tax bill even further.
Added Benefit: We are CPA's and technology experts so you can come to us for advice
Starting and Running Your Business
Business Formation
We make it easy to incorporate your business
- Form a C- Corporation, S- Corporation, Professional Corporation (PC), Limited Liability Corporation (LLC.), Partnership, Sole Proprietor, and Non-Profit in any US state as well as filing a DBA (Doing Business As) in any state
- Articles of Incorporation, Corporate name search, Operating agreements, Registered agent, and more
Compliance and Other Services
We can provide you with on-going services to keep your business compliant with state requirements. We use compliance software so you will never have to worry when important dates come up and we guarantee it.
- Filing of initial and annual report
- Annual meeting and its minutes
- Certificate of Good Standing
- Filing trademarks
- File Articles of Dissolution (to close a business)
- Register for Business Licenses, Permits, Sales and Payroll Tax collection, and more
- Changing of business name
Special Pricing for a
Single Owner LLC. $175*
What you Get:
- Initial Consultation
- Business Name Availability Check
- Review and Presentation of the Articles of Incorporation
- LLC Operating Agreement
- Review of documents
- Application for Federal EIN #
- Unlimited support during the process
- Registered Agent services
* State fees are extra. This special is for Single member LLC's with a basic structure.
Add On's:
- Corporate Book with Corporate seal
- Shares Certificates preparation
- Corporation Bylaws
- Form 2553, application for “S-Corp” status
- Application for Fictitious Name “DBA”
- Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
- Annual Report
- Occupational Licenses Application
- Shareholder Loan Agreement